Doug Emhoff Deletes Post After Criticism


Wow, what a mess.

In a recent social media post, Doug Emhoff, the Second Gentleman of the United States and husband of Vice President Kamala Harris, shared his thoughts on the significance of Hanukkah, a pivotal Jewish festival. Emhoff, who himself is Jewish, sought to express the themes of hope and resilience associated with the holiday. However, his interpretation of the Hanukkah story sparked a wave of corrections and criticisms from various social media users and public figures, leading to the deletion of his original post.

Emhoff’s message emphasized the Jewish people’s survival and their unwavering faith during a period of hiding, as well as the miraculous endurance of a small quantity of oil. He connected these elements to the broader themes of dedication and perseverance in the face of adversity. However, his portrayal deviated from the traditional narrative of Hanukkah.

Contrary to Emhoff’s depiction, Hanukkah is not a celebration of hiding and survival but a commemoration of a significant military victory and a religious miracle. The festival marks the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem following the Maccabees’ successful liberation of ancient Israel from Syrian-Greek rule approximately 2,200 years ago. This event restored Jewish rituals at the sacred site. A central miracle in the Hanukkah story is the burning of a day’s worth of oil in the temple’s menorah for eight days, symbolizing divine intervention and the reaffirmation of faith.

Upon the release of Emhoff’s post, several commentators and social media users were quick to highlight the inaccuracies in his account. Will Scharf, a former federal prosecutor and Missouri attorney general candidate, pointed out that the Maccabees were not in hiding, but actively engaged in a liberation struggle. Similarly, Jason Bedrick of the Heritage Foundation’s Center for Education Policy and Noah Rothman of the National Review expressed surprise and concern over the misrepresentation, especially considering Emhoff’s role in combating antisemitism within the White House.

Katya Sedgwick, a writer, also weighed in, stressing that Hanukkah’s narrative is one of victorious warfare and the reestablishment of Jewish sovereignty in Israel, rather than a tale of concealment and endurance.

This incident has raised questions about the accuracy of public figures’ understanding of cultural and religious histories, especially when they hold roles related to combating discrimination and promoting intercultural understanding. The swift response and subsequent deletion of the post underscore the importance of accurate representation in public discourse, particularly for those in influential positions.