Biden’s Philly Visit Causes A Bit Of A Stir Online


President Joe Biden was traveling again and it didn’t go over well.

His staff is trying to minimize issues by limiting media access but you can only do so much.

The President went to Philadelphia to announce the city being awarded a grant for firefighters.

As he took the podium Biden was quick to make sure he got to his spot that was clearly marked on the ground.

At the podium he saluted for some reason he saluted and started mumbling.

On top of that, since taking office, there are a few stories Biden likes to tell that have been debunked. One is the Amtrak conductor story, and the other is the details surrounding a fire he had at his home.

Biden used Amtrak a lot and there was a small fire at his home. The problem is he likes to over-exaggerate.

It has been documented that there was a small kitchen fire, the Corvette was fine and it was out in 20 minutes.

Of course what would be a Joe Biden speech without him getting lost. Except this time he seemed to just wander away and forget what he was doing.

The look on the Philly’s mayor says it all.

Wow what a mess. At this point I’m shocked that they don’t have Jill by Joe’s side for ever event.