5th Graders Create Bigfoot ‘Sanctuary’ with Local Government


It can be rather difficult to drum up interest in American government among elementary school children.  The subject is often quite dry, at least for younger folks who haven’t yet found themselves drawn into the drama and the sport of politicking, who largely view suit-and-tie public service as an outdated and rather boring existence.

But there are a cast number of facets to government, and sometimes it just takes the right legislative niche to get them hooked.

That’s where one teacher in Washington State comes in.

As a result of a rather unique project, a class of fifth graders in Washington State successfully lobbied their local government to declare their county a “Sasquatch protection and refuge area.” The crytpozoological civics lesson was reportedly the work of students at Lincoln Elementary School in the city of Holquiam. According to their teacher, Andrea Andrews, the youngsters were initially tasked with researching the famed cryptid and determining “if Bigfoot was real and hadn’t been discovered yet, or that it was just a big bear and people had misidentified it.” This sparked something of a healthy debate within the class with opinions on the issue largely being split down the middle.

The project was a rousing success.

Upon coming to a consensus, the class put together a proposal which argued that there is evidence supporting “the notion that Sasquatch exists” and, since sightings are scant at best, it is “likely an endangered species” that needs protection. Much to the subsequent surprise of the students, when resolution 2022-037 came before the Grays Harbor County Board of Commissioners at a meeting last month, officials opted to unanimously pass the proposal and decreed that the county is now a “Sasquatch protection and refuge area.” Stressing to her students that they had “changed the world in a little way” via their Bigfoot project, Andrews hopes that they will carry the civics lesson “into the rest of their lives.”

While some students worried that a flourishing bigfoot population could unnaturally affect the protected area, the small number of sightings of the legendary creature seemed to indicate that this wouldn’t be a problem in the foreseeable future, and the class was swayed to err on the side of protection.