Elon Threatens To Sue ADL


They say sunlight is the best disinfectant, and Elon Musk just pointed it directly at a shadow.

Musk has announced that he is going to sue the Anti-Defamation League over their attempts to scare advertisers from spending funds with X (formerly Twitter).

Musk also shared a link to a Politico article published in July 2020, showing that Zuckerberg was being squeezed in a similar manner. You may remember the advertiser boycott that took place in 2020.

From Politico:

The advertising boycott battering Facebook is unlike anything the social-media giant has faced in its 16-year history: Three days in, 800 companies worldwide have pulled millions of dollars in advertising from the social network, with brands from Coca-Cola to Ford to global conglomerate Unilever demanding that Facebook monitor hate speech more aggressively.

With pullouts mounting and the company’s name constantly tied to racism and hate in the news coverage, CEO Mark Zuckerberg responded by livestreaming part of an employee meeting — one of the few times he’s done that in the company’s history. Then, on Wednesday, Facebook’s powerhouse policy and communications chief, former British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, issued an open letter, titled “Facebook does not benefit from hate,” touting its efforts to police its content.

We all know what happened, Zuckerberg caved and now Meta is a tightly censored platform.

Musk has now threatened to sue the ADL which would force them to go though a discovery process if the group doesn’t back down.