New York Bill Targets Chick-fil-A Operational House


Since 1946, Chick-fil-A has closed its locations on Sunday. The company now has about 3,000 locations in the United States.

Now, the state of New York is putting together a bill that will require the company to keep their restaurants open 7 days a week, violating the long-standing company policy.

On their website, the restaurant says they stay closed on Sundays so that “employees could set aside one day to rest, enjoy time with their families and loved ones or and worship if they choose.”

The policy is steeped in Christian tradition that founded the company and aren’t Democrats the ones who claim that they are there to protect the worker which is what Chick-Fil-A is doing.

Currently seven Chik-fil-A restaurants are operated by New York’s Thruway Authority, and if the bill is passed, those stores would be forced to remain open 7 days a week.

The bill specifically targets Chick-fil-A and states they are the reason for the move.

Democrat Assemblyman Tony Simone thinks that it’s “ridiculous” that a business would be albe to close its doors on it’s own accord.

“It’s Sunday, Christmas Eve … thousands of New Yorkers are traveling to their families to find restaurants at rest areas across the state,” Assemblyman Simone said, according to WTEN.

“The Thruways are meant to serve New York travelers first,” the assemblyman continued. “I think it’s ridiculous that you’re able to close on Sunday, one of the busiest travel days of the week,” he added.

“You know, we get hungry when we’re traveling. We may not like our brother-in-law or sister-in-law’s cooking and wanna get a snack on Christmas Eve,” Assemblyman Simone continued.

“To find one of the restaurants closed on the Thruway is just not in the public good,” Simone claimed.

“While there is nothing objectionable about a fast food restaurant closing on a particular day of the week, service areas dedicated to travelers is an inappropriate location for such a restaurant,” the bill’s justification reads. “Publicly owned service areas should use their space to maximally benefit the public. Allowing for retail space to go unused one seventh of the week or more is a disservice and unnecessary inconvenience to travelers who rely on these service areas.”

What’s interesting is that government services don’t have to be open on Sunday but Chck-Fil-A does?