Kyle Keegan Gets Backlash Over Social Media Post


Kyle Keegan, a self-proclaimed attorney, is facing backlash after posting a tasteless tweet about Barron Trump, the 18-year-old son of former President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump.

Keegan took to Twitter last week and likened Barron to a “rapist at a frat party” in a photo posted by the Daily Beast.

The photo showed the young Trump, who just recently turned 18 and will be graduating high school this week. The caption of the tweet read, “Is it just me, or does Barron look like a rapist at a frat party? I’m just asking questions.” Many were quick to criticize Keegan for his inappropriate and offensive comment, with some calling him out for targeting a teenager and others pointing out the dangers of making such baseless accusations.

Critics also called out Keegan for shutting down replies to the tweet, only allowing those who followed him or were mentioned in the post to comment. Joe Concha, a well-known commentator, questioned Keegan’s courage and bravery for hiding behind limited replies and using Michael Cohen, a known Trump critic, as his profile picture. Other commentators, such as Bonchie from RedState, also questioned the odd specificity of Keegan’s description and called out his cowardice for not allowing open discussion.

Keegan, however, did not back down and even attempted to justify his tweet by claiming that it was because Barron was invited to be a delegate at the 2024 Republican National Convention. He argued that his tweet was only directed towards Barron’s political aspirations and not him personally. However, his justification fell short as his original tweet had no reference to Barron’s potential political career.

Many were quick to call out Keegan’s disregard for decency and common sense, with Twitter user Tom T. even suggesting that his baseless insult could be grounds for a defamation lawsuit. Others called him out for being a “creep.”

Keegan’s tweet is just another example of the left’s continuous attack on the Trump family. Despite Melania rejecting the appointment for Barron to be a delegate, Keegan still saw it appropriate to make a disreputable comment about a teenager. This is just another reminder of the left’s intolerance and lack of humanity towards those who do not share their beliefs.

Keegan’s tweet was condemned by both Republicans and Democrats alike, with many calling for him to take it down. As conservative blogger Rob Province perfectly summed it up, “Dude, don’t be a creep.” Let’s hope Keegan learns from this incident and shows more respect in the future.