WH Responds To KJP Interview


The White House is desperately trying to cover up the truth about Joe Biden’s mental state. When faced with tough questions about his dementia, they resort to hanging up on radio hosts and spreading lies.

During a recent interview on WBT radio, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked a simple question that many Americans have been wondering – does Joe Biden have dementia? Rather than answering honestly, Jean-Pierre quickly dismissed the question as “insulting” and “offensive.”

But that wasn’t the worst of it. When the host pressed for an answer and brought up the rising gas and grocery prices under Biden’s administration, Jean-Pierre immediately went on the defensive, trying to blame former President Donald Trump for the current state of the economy. But instead of facing the music and answering the tough questions, Jean-Pierre abruptly ended the interview and hung up on the host.

But the White House’s spin on the incident is even more disturbing. They claim that Jean-Pierre had multiple back-to-back interviews and had to stick to a tight schedule, so she hung up in order to move on to the next one.

“As she often does when the President travels, Karine had multiple back-to-back interviews with radio stations who were each offered seven minutes. Once the agreed-upon time was over, she called into the next interview so everyone could get their full time,” White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates said in a statement to the Daily Beast following Jean-Pierre’s initial interview. “This particular station chose not to air the full interview and instead artificially attached a sound effect that our phones do not make when calls end.”

However, the radio station quickly debunked this claim, providing raw audio of the interview, clearly showing the dial tone indicating that Jean-Pierre had ended the call.

“The White House assertion that we added a sound effect is nonsense. When she hung up, the phone noise was purely from their end,” Mark Garrison told the Daily Caller.

The White House is willing to go to great lengths to cover up the truth about Joe Biden’s mental state. They can’t handle tough questions from the media and resort to deceptive tactics to avoid them.

But the American people aren’t fooled. We see Joe Biden struggle with simple tasks and his frequent gaffes on a daily basis. We see firsthand the damage his policies are causing to our economy and our country, and no amount of spin or cover-ups will change that.

The truth is, the Democrats are terrified that the American people will realize the truth – that Joe Biden is not mentally fit to be President. That’s why they are trying to silence any questions about his dementia and punish anyone who dares to ask.