Reuters Reports On Focus Group Interviews


The media may be singing Kamala Harris’s praises, but if you actually take a look at what voters are saying, it’s clear her performance during the debate didn’t land as well as her supporters would have you believe.

Sure, CNN might say she “performed better,” but the real takeaway? Trump scored higher in the areas that truly matter: the economy, immigration, and leadership. In fact, after the debate, Trump gained 20 points over Harris on the economy alone—a glaring sign that voters still trust him more to fix what’s broken.

CBS’s focus group echoed this sentiment, with participants pointing out Harris’s tendency to just regurgitate Biden’s lines without offering any fresh solutions. People are asking a very simple question: If she has all these great ideas, why hasn’t she acted on them already?

But the gap between media spin and voter sentiment gets even wider when you dive into the Reuters focus group. Out of 10 undecided voters, six swung toward Trump after the debate. They found Harris vague, particularly on key issues like the economy and the cost of living, which are front and center for Americans right now.

People remember when their wallets were better off under Trump, and Harris didn’t give them any reason to believe she’d change the course set by Biden. In fact, four of those six voters outright said they didn’t see how Harris would differ from Biden, whom they largely blame for inflation and the high cost of living.

In short, Harris didn’t deliver. Instead of laying out her own vision, she chose to attack Trump and dodge the tough questions. This tactic didn’t go unnoticed. As Mark Kadish, a voter from Florida, bluntly put it: “I still don’t know what she is for.”

And that’s the crux of the issue. Harris had one job—convince voters she has a better plan. But by spending more time throwing punches at Trump than detailing policies, she left voters, like Robert Wheeler from Nevada, wondering if there’s any substance behind the soundbites. He went into the debate leaning toward Harris; now, he’s on Team Trump. Why? Because he didn’t hear anything from Harris about how she’s going to fix the economy or make life better for regular Americans.

So, while the media may be ready to declare her the winner, the voters seem to have other ideas. And in the end, that’s what will really count.