Biden Discusses Economic News


Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to cut through the hype and get real about what’s going on with Kamala Harris and the Democrats. They’re trying to sell you a product that’s just not delivering. They want you to believe that Harris’s infamous cackling is some kind of joyful expression, but let’s be honest—there’s nothing joyful about what she’s done, or more accurately, hasn’t done, in her time as vice president.

The Democrats are pushing this narrative that if Harris gets promoted to the top job, she’ll magically solve all the problems she’s ignored so far. But how does that make any sense? She’s been attached at the hip to Joe Biden, who’s led us down this road of crushing inflation, a border crisis, and a plan to raise taxes by eliminating the Trump tax cuts—something that should disqualify her right out of the gate.

But it’s not just about Harris’s failures. She and the Democrats have been complicit in hiding the true condition of Joe Biden. They shoved him through the door of the Oval Office, and now they want us to forget that she’s been right there with him as our country deals with their missteps.

Biden tried to answer questions at the White House Creator Economy Conference, but when the press dared to ask about inflation, he got testy, claiming everything is just fine—“soft landing” and all. And when the questions got tougher, especially about Hunter Biden’s shady dealings with Burisma, Biden just smirked and mocked the press. Real presidential, right?

It’s like they’re taking pages straight out of Trump’s playbook, but where’s the media outrage? Remember when Harris tried to take credit for Trump’s “no tax on tips” policy? The same policy that she and Biden’s administration were targeting? But don’t expect the press to call them out on it. They’re too busy playing along with the narrative that Biden’s policies are somehow working when, in reality, they’re the reason we’ve been suffering from inflation for three years.

Sure, inflation has slowed, but don’t be fooled—it’s still on the rise, and everything is costing more under Biden and Harris than it did under Trump. Just ask any working-class mom. She’ll tell you the same thing: it’s tougher now than it ever was. And let’s not forget, it was Kamala Harris who cast the deciding vote in 2021 that set this whole mess in motion.

No matter how hard Biden tries to spin it or how much Harris hides from the press, the facts are staring us in the face. Their policies aren’t working, and no amount of cackling or spin is going to change that.