Bizarre Behavior at Mt. Nebo Junior High Stirs Controversy


A junior high school in Utah has been caught in the center of a social media firestorm, with allegations flying that students were dressing up as animals, biting, and behaving inappropriately towards their classmates.

The controversy began last week when a small group of students at Mt. Nebo Junior High School wore headbands with animal ears. This led to some students throwing food at them, and the school sent a letter to families reminding them of the dress code and appropriate behavior.

According to Seth Sorenson, spokesman for the Nebo School District, there is no evidence that any of these behaviors ever occurred.

However, according to ABC4, many students felt differently.

The students said there are attacks from the furries every day, but were unsure of how many furries there actually are at the school, shouting out numbers ranging from five to 100 students who identify as such.

The school’s “furry” population is accused of biting, scratching, spraying air freshener on, barking at and chasing other students.

A group of students and parents staged a protest across the street from the school, holding signs expressing their outrage over “equal rights for everyone.” But the protest was peaceful, and school continued as usual.

This incident has sparked outrage among conservative circles, with Senator Lee calling for students who “behave like animals” to be expelled and administrators to be fired. Lyman echoed this sentiment on social media, declaring “We The People, not the animals.”

But it’s clear that there are two sides to this story. While some are quick to point the finger at the school for allowing “animal behavior” to go unchecked, there is no evidence that this ever actually happened. As it stands, it seems that this controversy was simply a misunderstanding blown out of proportion on social media.