Kirby Email Causes A Stir


Well, well, well, looks like John Kirby hit “reply all” when he should’ve kept his mouth shut.

On the anniversary of 9/11 no less, Kirby, the White House National Security Council’s communications guy, accidentally revealed exactly what the administration really thinks about veterans who dare to criticize the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan.

You know, the withdrawal that left 13 American service members dead, thousands of Afghan allies abandoned and handed billions of dollars worth of military equipment to the Taliban. But, hey, no big deal, right? Kirby says there’s “no use” in responding to those pesky veterans who are still speaking out.

According to Fox News, Kirby said,

“Obviously no use in responding. A ‘handful’ of vets indeed and all of one stripe,” Kirby said in a “reply all” email chain Wednesday afternoon that appeared to be intended for White House staffers, but which also included Fox News Digital.

Veterans like Rep. Cory Mills (R-Fla.), who isn’t shy about calling out Kirby for deflecting blame and covering for Biden. He bluntly states that the administration’s decision to prioritize political optics over sound strategy led directly to the catastrophe in Afghanistan. The cherry on top? Kirby’s tone-deaf email, “no use” in hearing from those who actually served, fought, and sacrificed. But don’t worry, he “didn’t realize” Fox News was on the chain. Oops.

“The bottom line is that the Biden-Harris administration chose politics over strategy, and Kirby, who I wouldn’t trust to guard my grocery list, is now trying to cover for them,” Mills, stated.

Then there’s Rep. Mike McCaul’s report, which lays out the cold, hard facts: Biden’s hands weren’t tied by any Trump-era deal. The administration had plenty of opportunities to avoid disaster, but they didn’t bother. They ignored warnings from their own diplomats, dismissed intelligence, and left behind a geopolitical mess that’s now empowering our adversaries. And Kirby, bless his heart, defends this debacle as if it was some kind of triumph.

Mark Geist, a Marine veteran who helped evacuate Americans from the Taliban, cuts right to the chase: Kirby’s presentation of “facts” is laughable. In fact, Geist suggests the real reason for the withdrawal was so the administration could pivot resources to the next big-ticket item—Ukraine. Nice to know our military strategy revolves around what looks good on paper, right?

It’s no wonder veterans like Stuart Scheller and Chad Robichaux are beyond furious. These guys put everything on the line, only to watch as Biden and his cronies abandoned Afghanistan, leaving behind 20 million women and girls to face the Taliban’s brutality, not to mention all the sensitive equipment and biometric systems that practically gift-wrapped our allies’ identities for the terrorists. Oh, and let’s not forget the taxpayer dollars still flowing to the Taliban—nearly $87 million a week.

Kirby, in his infinite wisdom, deflects by saying, “not every veteran agrees.” Well, John, not every veteran drank the Kool-Aid, either. You might want to remember that next time you “accidentally” hit reply all.