Harris Team Launches New Ads


Kamala Harris is certainly gathering some “endorsements” lately—if you want to call them that. Among her new fan club: Liz and Dick Cheney, Vladimir Putin, and the IRS Agents Union. Yes, you read that right. These are the endorsements her team is actually promoting as if any of them are going to win her votes. It’s almost like they’re trying to lose.

Then, we have The Lincoln Project throwing in their two cents with a bizarre cartoon ad featuring Bernie Sanders and Dick Cheney playing poker. Yes, Bernie Sanders, the self-declared socialist, and Dick Cheney, the warmonger himself, sitting down for a friendly game. Bernie calls Cheney a “warmonger,” and Cheney fires back by labeling Bernie a “commie.” The punchline? Despite their polar opposite views, they both agree to vote for Kamala Harris because, apparently, it’s a choice between America and Trump.

Now, pause for a moment. Is this supposed to make people feel better about Harris? The ad basically says that a communist and a warmonger are teaming up to keep the establishment in power. How’s that for inspirational? If anything, this screams, “Vote for Trump!” If the establishment swamp monsters are banding together to support Harris, it tells you all you need to know: Trump’s still the outsider they can’t stand.

And as if that wasn’t enough cringe, Fran Drescher—yes, “The Nanny”—joined the fray with a TikTok ad that’s so bad, it’s almost hard to believe it’s real. Dressed up as “The Kammy,” Drescher sings about Harris “working at the White House” and being a “cool VP.” Cool? Maybe if you consider her record of disappearing when things get tough—like the border crisis—a sign of coolness. It’s almost as if they’re trying to rewrite history, making it sound like Harris has been some kind of political powerhouse instead of, well, invisible.

The ad goes on to claim that Harris has “brains” and “balls.” Well, considering she’s been more unpopular than Dan Quayle and Dick Cheney as VP, I’d say her political “brilliance” has been lost on most Americans. Oh, and let’s not forget the line about “Republicans are switching”—sure if you count Adam Kinzinger and the Cheneys as some sort of game-changers. Meanwhile, Democrats are fleeing to the Republican Party in droves, including prominent figures like Elon Musk, as well as increasing numbers of black, Hispanic, and young voters.

And yet, this ad has the nerve to claim Harris will “save democracy.” Funny, isn’t it? This is the same person who’s been propped up by a Democratic machine that sidelined more than 14 million primary voters to make sure Joe Biden won. Democracy, indeed.

None of these desperate, cringe-filled endorsements do anything to explain why Americans should vote for Kamala Harris. “Hope and joy” won’t pay the bills, and it certainly doesn’t feed families. If anything, these ads are more of a mockery than anything else—and Harris’ team seems clueless to that fact.