Biden Plots To Ban Hunting & Fishing


Oh look, Biden is trying to ban hunting and fishing.

Recently, the Biden administration collaborated with environmental organizations to propose new regulations that could limit hunting and fishing in public lands in different parts of the country.

Reports suggest that the proposed regulations could restrict the use of specific equipment and ban the use of certain types of ammunition and fishing tackle that are cost-effective. The purpose of these regulations is to reduce the negative impact of hunting and fishing on the environment and wildlife habitats.

However, the proposed regulations have not been received well by everyone. The International Order of T. Roosevelt (IOTR) Executive Director Luke Hilgemann is leading an effort to ensure that citizens have a constitutional right to hunt and fish in all states where this is not currently the case. IOTR aims to get constitutional amendments on the ballot in several states by 2024 to secure these rights. Florida, Ohio, South Dakota, and Iowa are the four priority states for the 2024 ballot. IOTR hopes that a majority of states can achieve this right by 2025.

“What we see here with the rule coming out of the Biden administration is the potential to close millions of acres of public lands that had been opened under the Trump administration to hunting and fishing,” Hilgemann told Fox News Digital. “They’re doing this basically by banning the most common forms of hunting cartridges that most people buy off the shelf and requiring that no lead cartridges be used on any federal lands.”

“If that happens, that’s going to force people to go back out and buy different kinds of cartridges that simply aren’t available at the levels that it needs to be in order for us to meet the demand of hunters in the field,” he added.

The Florida legislature has already taken action towards securing the right to hunt and fish in the state. On Friday, the legislature passed a resolution that would make it a constitutional right to hunt and fish in Florida. The resolution will now head to the ballot in 2024 for final consideration.

Although the proposed regulations by the Biden administration could impact hunting and fishing in public lands, IOTR and other organizations are working to secure the right to hunt and fish in many states across the country. The debate on this issue is likely to continue in the coming years, as both sides argue over the importance of preserving wildlife and maintaining the tradition of hunting and fishing.

As always, we will keep you informed of any updates as they become available. Thank you for reading and staying up to date with the news.

The way the Biden administration is going, it one day could be illegal to have a tomato plant on your porch.

A fact check by the Associated Press claimed that the Biden Administration is not banning hunting, just the ammunition required to hunt and fish.

Sort of like they aren’t going to ban gas stoves, just prohibit them from being used in new buildings.

It may not be a direct ban on sportsman activity but it’s more than likely just the start.