GOP House Drops Subpoena Gauntlet On Biden Family


The House Oversight Committee is taking a closer look into the Biden familys financial records, with four major U.S. banks and one individual having been subpoenaed for information. This probe is being led by Chairman James Comer (RKY) to investigate nine violations, including money laundering and wire fraud.

The Bank of America, Cathay Bank, JPMorgan Chase, and HSBC USA N.A. have been targeted by Comer and Mervyn Yan, a former Biden business associate, was also subpoenaed. Yan was involved in the $1 million retainer Hunter Biden received representing a CEFC official as an attorney, and had sent the wire transfer to Hudson West III LLC, an entity James and Hunter controlled.

The investigation has also gained access to Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) from the U.S. Treasury. According to a 2020 Senate report, SARsoften contain evidence of potential criminal activities, such as money laundering and fraud. The committee revealed in March the Biden family received a collective $1.3 million cut in 2017 from a Biden family business associate, who was sent a $3 million wire transfer from CEFC. Joe Biden falsely denied his knowledge of this.

Peter Schweizers books, Secret Empires and Profiles in Corruption, and EmmaJo Morriss investigative work at the New York Post on the Hunter Bidenlaptop from hell, have provided evidence into the Bidens vast and lucrative foreign deals and cronyism. These findings are what has led to Comers probe.

I think we can all agree that someone needs to be held accountable for their shady financial dealings. Comers investigation is the only way to make that happen, and his subpoenas and SARs are the only way to get to the bottom of this scandal. The American people deserve to know the truth and Comer is determined to uncover it.