Biden Hit With Ethics Complaint from Watchdog Group Over…


Joe Biden’s recently revealed plans to run for the presidency again in 2024 appear to be skidding off of the runway this week, as a scandal involving several troves of classified documents continues to spiral out of control.

The documents, which were found at a number of Biden-owned properties, have prompted serious concerns and major investigations into the Commander in Chief.  But now, Biden is also facing a troubling ethics complaint over just how his team has handled the fallout from the troubling discovery.

A government watchdog filed a federal complaint over the involvement of the White House Counsel’s office in President Biden’s growing classified documents scandal.

Fox News Digital has learned that government watchdog Protect the Public’s Trust (PPT) filed their complaint with the U.S. Office of Government Ethics on Tuesday.

The organization was livid.

“The American public will not tolerate a two-tiered system of justice – with well-connected insiders subject to a lower standard of scrutiny than the normal citizen,” PPT director Mike Chamberlain said in a statement to Fox News Digital.

And then…

“President Biden promised the most ethical and transparent administration in history,” Chamberlain said. “If the White House compounded a scandal involving possible mishandling of classified documents by improperly using taxpayer resources for his personal benefit and putting White House attorneys in positions that created conflicts of interest, we could be witnessing a serious betrayal of the public’s already-plummeting trust.”

“It also creates the spectre of possible obstruction of a congressional investigation, depending on the legal basis for the intervention and any future privileges claimed by the White House on this escalating scandal,” he added.

Just last week, insiders close to the president revealed that his team is planning on announcing his reelection campaign sometime between February and April, but those plans could be put on hold while this salacious new scandal plays out.