Walz Asked About Military Report


Hello, everyone! Get ready for another dose of Democratic drama as the spotlight turns on newly-minted vice presidential candidate Tim Walz and the growing scandal surrounding his military service.

While Walz did serve in the Minnesota National Guard, it’s now coming to light that he bailed on his unit when faced with deployment to Iraq, even taking a demotion in the process. Talk about dodging duty!

Walz’s moment of truth came when his unit got orders to deploy. As Matt Funicello explains, Walz asked for early retirement, violating his pledge to complete a training course, and was demoted as a result. Compare that to JD Vance, who volunteered for service, knowing he’d be deployed to Iraq. When duty called, Vance went. When it was Walz’s turn, he quit and left his men in the lurch.

Veterans who served with Walz are coming forward, expressing their disdain for his decision to skip out on deployment. One former comrade didn’t mince words, calling him a coward for abandoning his unit to pursue a political career. But the scandal doesn’t end there. A video has surfaced showing Walz falsely claiming to have gone to war, posted by none other than the Kamala Harris campaign.

WALZ: “I’ll take my kick in the butt from the NRA. I spent 25 years in the Army and I hunt. And I gave the money back. And I’ll tell you what I have been doing. I’ve been voting for common sense legislation that protects the Second Amendment, but we can do background checks. We can research the impacts of gun violence. We can make sure those weapons of war, that I carried in war, are only carried in war.”

Harris-Walz supporters quickly scrambled, claiming it was a slip of the tongue, just Walz referring to his general military service. But Jordan Schachtel’s bombshell report suggests otherwise.

Lies as usual:


In 2004, Walz protested a visit from President George W. Bush, claiming he demanded to speak to the commander in chief. He allegedly told Bush staffers, “Do you really want to arrest a command sergeant major who’d just returned from fighting the war on terrorism?” Yeah, that would be a great story—if it were true.

Schachtel points out that this false narrative of Walz serving in Iraq has persisted. Joshua Green, a reporter for Bloomberg, still believes Walz fought in Iraq, a claim he made the day Walz was announced as Harris’ running mate. Green wrote that Walz served “in Iraq as part of Operation Enduring Freedom.” Either Walz fed Green this false information, or Green’s fact-checking skills need serious work.

Marketing Walz as a heroic veteran politician has backfired spectacularly. The truth is, Tim Walz never fought in a war, nor did he serve anywhere near one. This scandal isn’t going away, and insiders hint that more revelations about Walz’s career are on the horizon.

Yet, Walz and Harris continue to ignore the media and have yet to answer any questions.

Did the Harris campaign skip vetting, or were they just arrogant? Either way, buckle up—there’s a lot more to come.