Trump Comments On Mills Decision


Well, it looks like even the bluest corners of America are learning that there’s a limit to how far you can push the alphabet activism before reality—and Donald Trump—pushes back.

In what can only be described as a major win for common sense and actual science, the University of Maine System folded under pressure from the Trump administration and agreed to bar biological males from competing in women’s sports. That’s right—the same university system that was more than happy to let boys throw on a wig, declare they’re female, and start shattering girls’ athletic records is now walking it all back. Why? Because Trump threatened to do what every Republican president should have done a long time ago: hit them where it hurts—federal funding.

And now Trump, never one to let a good “I told you so” go to waste, is demanding an apology from Maine’s Democrat Governor Janet Mills. And honestly, he’s right. This wasn’t just a disagreement over some vague policy issue. This was Mills trying to play culture war chicken with the federal government over whether 6’2” biological males with testosterone in their veins should be allowed to wrestle girls to the ground in the name of “inclusivity.” Spoiler alert: they shouldn’t.

Trump posted on Truth Social—where the mean tweets are back, thank God—and laid it out clearly: the state issued a quiet, face-saving apology during a governor’s conference, but Mills herself is still MIA. No public acknowledgment, no retraction of her previous stance, no accountability. Just political cowardice dressed up as moral superiority. He wants a “full-throated” apology from her directly—and he’s not wrong. If you’re going to go to war with the federal government over the definition of biological sex, you’d better be prepared to own the loss when you get steamrolled.

“While the State of Maine has apologized for their Governor’s strong, but totally incorrect, statement about men playing in women’s sports while at the White House House Governor’s Conference, we have not heard from the Governor herself, and she is the one that matters in such cases,” Trump wrote. “Therefore, we need a full throated apology from the Governor herself, and a statement that she will never make such an unlawful challenge to the Federal Government again, before this case can be settled.”

“I’m sure she will be able to do that quite easily. Thank you for your attention to this matter and, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!” the president added.

The Department of Agriculture, of all places, was the one to put the squeeze on UMaine. And here’s where it gets even funnier: the USDA paused federal funds to the university over Title IX violations. You know, the law that was actually created to protect women’s rights in education and sports. Not to redefine “woman” as “any dude with a TikTok account and a mood swing.” Trump simply used the law as it was written, and surprise, surprise—the university suddenly found religion on the issue.

Chancellor Dannel Malloy—yes, the same Malloy who used to be governor of Connecticut and helped preside over the ruination of that state—sounded downright relieved that the whole thing was over. In his statement, you could almost hear the subtext: Please, Mr. Trump, don’t take away the grant money. We’ve seen the polls. They want to act like the rules were always clear, but the reality is that UMaine was more than happy to keep enabling this ideological nonsense until Trump put a target on their budget.

And let’s not forget the politics here. Mills thought this would be a nice, easy wedge to posture over. What she got instead was a brick wall of legal consequences and a media firestorm she clearly wasn’t prepared for. She lost—badly—and now she’s trying to slink away without so much as an acknowledgment. But Trump doesn’t let this stuff slide, and rightly so. The American people are done with bureaucrats pretending that girls’ sports are just a costume party for confused men with mediocre high school track records.

So yeah, Governor Mills, it’s time to eat some humble pie. Your state backed down. Your university system caved. The law is not on your side, and neither is the majority of the country. Apologize and move on—or keep playing this game and watch the next round of funding dry up faster than your poll numbers.

The lesson here? When you go up against Trump on something as basic as biological reality, don’t be surprised when you get called out, shut down, and asked to apologize. Loudly.