Rogan Responds To Claim About Beliefs


The irony dripping from the latest episode of The View could fill a swimming pool. The hosts—led by misinformation maestro Joy Behar—decided to take potshots at Joe Rogan, labeling his massively popular podcast as an unreliable source of information because, get this, he “believes in dragons.”

Yes, folks, dragons. That was the hard-hitting, totally-not-made-up accusation from Behar, who also somehow managed to argue that The View is a paragon of credibility because their parent company, ABC News, occasionally sends them fact-checks and legal notes. In other words, the same group that has had to issue multiple on-air corrections thinks they’re the gold standard for reliable news. You can’t make this up.

Here’s how it went down. Sunny Hostin, fresh off delivering her second legal note in a week (because what’s one baseless smear without a follow-up?), seemed genuinely baffled when Behar claimed Rogan believes in dragons. “Did you triple source that?” Sara Haines quipped, trying to poke fun at the absurdity. But Behar doubled down, insisting she “checked it” and that Rogan thinks dinosaurs and humans coexisted. Spoiler alert: that’s not even close to what Rogan actually said.

What Rogan did say was that he finds it fascinating how dragons appear in myths across cultures and theorized that people might have exaggerated real sightings of large lizards. He explicitly called the idea of fire-breathing, treasure-hoarding dragons “bull****.” But why let facts get in the way of a good smear when you’re on The View?

Of course, Rogan, ever the quick wit, had the last laugh. After the clip circulated online, he hilariously updated his X profile description to proudly declare himself a “dragon believer.” Game, set, match, Rogan.

The hosts of The View, meanwhile, aren’t exactly paragons of factual integrity themselves. Let’s not forget that Whoopi Goldberg earned herself a suspension for claiming the Holocaust wasn’t “about race.” And Joy Behar’s own track record of wild claims could fill an encyclopedia. But somehow, in their minds, the occasional legal note from ABC News transforms them into the modern-day equivalent of Walter Cronkite. Sure, Jan.

Perhaps the funniest part of this whole charade is the self-righteous lecturing about misinformation from the very show responsible for spreading it on a weekly basis. Behar and company weren’t fact-checked on their Rogan rant, of course, because self-awareness isn’t exactly a strong suit over at The View. If ABC News is “checking” their work, maybe they’re just phoning it in.

Rogan’s reach, influence, and ability to laugh at the absurd attacks lobbed his way only highlight how out of touch The View has become. While they cling to their dwindling audience, Rogan’s podcast continues to dominate, proving that people prefer unfiltered conversations over contrived theatrics. Sorry, Joy—you’re not slaying any dragons here.