Oh, what a tangled web Democrats weave. The relationship between former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Joe Biden has gone from “Catholic siblings” to a full-blown family feud, complete with icy silences, backroom drama, and public grudges. If there’s one thing the left does better than identity politics, it’s airing their dirty laundry for all the world to see. The latest installment? Biden and Jill’s conspicuous cold shoulder toward Pelosi after she broke her hip last month in Europe, leaving Pelosi’s friends and family fuming and us Republicans breaking out the popcorn.
Pelosi’s daughter, Alexandra Pelosi, also got in on the commentary and said, “If I was Lady McBiden, I’d put on my big girl pants, play the long game, and think about my husband’s legacy. There aren’t that many people left in America who have something nice to say about Joe Biden, and Nancy Pelosi is one of them.”
Apparently, Biden couldn’t even muster up a sympathy card, let alone a phone call, after Pelosi’s injury—a silence that’s as deafening as Jill Biden’s grudge against the former Speaker. It seems Dr. Jill is still nursing a bone-deep resentment over Pelosi’s behind-the-scenes efforts to push Joe out of the 2024 race, a move many Democrats privately supported but few dared to act on. But Pelosi? Oh no, she went straight to the source, reportedly slipping into the White House residence last July to tell Biden, in no uncertain terms, that his political ship was sinking.
Here’s the kicker: Pelosi apparently tried to let him down easy, presenting her case with all the dignity and decorum befitting a political veteran. No ultimatums, no knives in the back—just the harsh truth. But dignity doesn’t mean much when you’re dealing with a president who still thinks he’s the second coming of FDR and a First Lady who seems to have taken the role of “chief grudge-holder” to heart. Jill Biden’s public comments to The Washington Post about her “disappointment” in Pelosi confirm what everyone already suspected: the Biden family is holding a grudge tighter than Joe holds his cue cards during a press conference.
Now, let’s not pretend Pelosi is some innocent bystander in all of this. She’s a shrewd operator who has survived decades in the political trenches by mastering the art of the power play. Her televised Morning Joe interview last July, which subtly yet unmistakably questioned Biden’s viability as a candidate, was the political equivalent of lobbing a grenade into his reelection campaign. That moment sealed Biden’s fate, forcing him to bow out weeks later. Pelosi may claim her actions were for the good of the party, but let’s not forget that this is the same woman who called herself a “master legislator.” She knew exactly what she was doing.
And here’s the irony: Pelosi’s push to sideline Biden may very well have saved the Democrats from an electoral bloodbath. With Biden’s polling numbers tanking and his mental fitness a constant question mark, the GOP was poised to rack up victories across the board. Pelosi’s intervention likely kept the Democrats from losing even more ground in Congress and handed them a sliver of credibility in the face of Biden’s disastrous leadership. But gratitude doesn’t seem to be in Biden’s vocabulary these days.
Instead, the president has chosen to freeze Pelosi out, refusing her attempts at reconciliation and letting Jill’s simmering resentment dictate the terms. This icy treatment is especially ironic given Biden’s much-touted reputation as the “empathizer-in-chief.” The man who campaigned on kindness and unity can’t even extend a kind word to one of his party’s longest-serving power players after she broke her hip. How’s that for grace?
And let’s not overlook the rich historical irony here. Pelosi and Biden go way back to a time when she was fundraising in San Francisco, and he was borrowing her car during visits. Their shared “silent generation” sensibilities about faith and politics might have once bonded them, but it seems those bonds have frayed beyond repair. Even Pelosi’s family, who once viewed the Bidens as political allies, are baffled by the pettiness on display.
The whole drama has all the makings of a Shakespearean tragedy—if Shakespeare were writing about geriatric Democrats squabbling over who gets to limp across the political finish line. In the end, this spat isn’t just about egos; it’s a reflection of a party in disarray, where internal grudges are more pressing than governing or addressing the crises facing Americans.
While the left continues to eat itself alive, the GOP is happy to sit back and watch. After all, who needs opposition research when Democrats are so good at tearing each other down? Let’s face it: the Biden-Pelosi feud is just another reminder that the Democratic Party’s leadership is as fractured as Nancy’s hip.