Ohio Governor Gives Report On Threat Investigation


Hello Folks. So let’s get this straight: Springfield, Ohio, has been hit with 33 bomb threats in the span of a week—all hoaxes, and some apparently coming from overseas bad actors just trying to stir the pot. But what’s the media’s response? They’re busy blaming Donald Trump and JD Vance for “inciting” these threats because they had the audacity to talk about the very real issue of 20,000 Haitian migrants flooding into Springfield.

“We have people, unfortunately, overseas who are taking these actions,” the governor added. “Some of them are coming from one particular country. We think that this is one more opportunity to mess with the United States, and they’re continuing to do that. So we cannot let the bad guys win. Our schools must remain open.”

Now, let’s talk about the absurdity of the media’s finger-pointing. Trump and Vance highlight the concerns of actual citizens in Springfield, people who are living with the consequences of a migrant surge that the federal government has no plan to handle. Yet somehow, simply talking about these issues has led to bomb threats? And let’s not forget that Vance was accused of “inciting violence” just because he pointed out unconfirmed reports about disappearing pets—which, by the way, hasn’t been disproven. The media just can’t help themselves.

“I want the people of Springfield and Clark County to know that as we move forward, we will continue to do everything we can to help the community deal with this surge of migrants,” DeWine said. “The federal government has not demonstrated that they have any kind of plan to deal with the issue. We will not walk away.”

Governor Mike DeWine made it crystal clear: 33 hoaxes. Not one real bomb. But where are the apologies from the media, who’ve been pushing the narrative that Trump and Vance’s rhetoric is behind these threats? Nowhere. Instead, we get more accusations and more ridiculous claims that simply acknowledging a problem is the same as causing chaos.

Meanwhile, JD Vance hit back hard on CNN when Dana Bash tried to link his comments to the bomb threats. Vance rightly called it out for what it is—Democratic propaganda masquerading as journalism. He’s not wrong. The real issue here isn’t Trump or Vance’s words but the federal government’s utter failure to deal with the influx of migrants and the chaos that’s following in
its wake.

“Dana, first of all, let me just respond to a couple of things that you said, but I wanna start with something you said, which I think is frankly disgusting and is more appropriate for a Democratic propagandist than it is for an American journalist,” Vance responded. “There is nothing that I have said that has led to threats against these hospitals. These hospitals, the bomb threats, and so forth, it’s disgusting. The violence is disgusting. We condemn it. We condemn all violence.”

“What we have said is that this town has suffered terribly … under the policies of Kamala Harris. Now, you just [accused] me of inciting violence against the community when all that I’ve done is surface the complaints of my constituents, people who are suffering because of Kamala Harris’ policies,” Vance added.

But sure, let’s keep blaming Trump for everything. That’s been working out so well, hasn’t it?