Hillary Has Interview With Maddow Before Release


Let’s cut right to the chase: the media are not just biased, they’re actively working to get President Trump—or his supporters—killed. Sounds extreme? Well, the facts speak for themselves. They’ve spent years stoking the fires of hatred against Trump, using their platforms to relentlessly brand him as a fascist, a racist, a dictator—the second coming of Hitler. And now, after not one but two assassination attempts against the former president, their rhetoric is more dangerous than ever.

Remember how, for years, the media demanded Trump denounce any act of violence, regardless of whether he was involved or not? If he didn’t word his response just right, they painted him as complicit. Take January 6th, when Trump called for his supporters to “peacefully” protest. Did the media listen? Nope. Instead, MSNBC and their ilk ran wild, using hacks like Nancy Pelosi and Joy Reid to suggest Trump was an accessory to murder. Talk about twisting reality to fit their narrative.

And let’s not forget the New York Times piece last year that screamed, “Donald Trump is Going to Get Someone Killed.” CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin had the audacity to claim Trump’s rhetoric was an “imminent threat” to his targets. Funny how those same media voices go radio silent when it’s one of their own viewers taking shots at Trump. If words can kill, then the media’s endless demonization of Trump is a loaded gun.

When Ryan Wesley Routh tried to assassinate Trump at his golf course just last week, what did NBC News do? They downplayed it, calling it a “golf club incident.” A golf club incident! Meanwhile, MSNBC’s Frank Figliuzzi—the same guy who claimed Trump was sending secret Nazi codes to white supremacists—suggested Trump was practically inviting these attacks by daring to continue playing golf. And Rachel Vindman? She actually joked about the first assassination attempt, reducing the shooting of a Trump supporter and the wounding of two others to Trump’s ear being “harmed.” How sick can you get?

NBC’s Lester Holt chimed in, too, suggesting Trump was practically asking for it, all because he and his running mate, JD Vance, dared to speak out on real issues like immigration. Holt casually linked Trump’s comments to bomb threats, as if stating the obvious about border security is somehow an invitation for violence. And Alex Witt from MSNBC? She thinks Trump needs to tone down his rhetoric. Ironic, coming from a network that’s compared Trump to Hitler more times than we can count.

Let’s get real here: the media that nightly paints Trump as the enemy of democracy is doing more to undermine democracy than anyone else. Their endless propaganda has radicalized their own base to the point where some are now literally opening fire on a former president. They’re turning out more Thomas Crooks and Ryan Rouths with every broadcast, feeding their audience a steady diet of hate disguised as news.

It’s time to face the ugly truth: the media is complicit. They’ve already got blood on their hands from the rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, where a Trump supporter was killed. And now, with another assassination attempt barely behind us, they’re doing everything they can to downplay it, to brush it off as if Trump was somehow to blame. They want this narrative in place for the next time—because, let’s be real, they’re hoping there is a next time.

So now Hillary Clinton thinks Americans should be judged for posting “misinformation”? The same Hillary who pushed the Russian collusion hoax for years? Yeah, let’s trust her to decide what’s true and what’s not. Irony must be her favorite flavor because nothing says “protecting free speech,” like wanting to silence everyone who disagrees with you. Guess she’s still bitter about losing in 2016—maybe that’s the “misinformation” she’s really mad about!

The media needs to be held accountable before it’s too late. Their rhetoric has turned dangerous. It’s not just Trump they’re coming for—they’re coming for anyone who dares stand up to their lies.