NYT’s Issues Strong Report About Trump Event


The New York Times isn’t alone in its unhinged editorializing; it’s just one of many left-wing media outlets that seem to have lost any remaining grip on reality.

The same goes for CNN, MSNBC, and just about every other so-called “mainstream” outlet, all of which are doubling down on scare tactics and fearmongering. It’s like they’re reading from the same script: throw every accusation imaginable at Trump, turn the volume up to eleven, and hope voters don’t realize just how thin the arguments really are. They’re using “democracy” as a buzzword while glossing over the actual erosion of free speech, due process, and law and order under their preferred administration.

What we’re seeing now is more than mere partisan bias—it’s almost apocalyptic hysteria. The Times editorial board, MSNBC pundits, and CNN “analysts” have ratcheted up the rhetoric to the point where they’re practically foaming at the mouth. Every story is spun into an existential crisis. Trump, they say, is practically a dictator-in-waiting, while Biden, a man who can barely get through a press conference, is somehow the last “defender of democracy.” It’s not journalism; it’s a carefully orchestrated effort to scare Americans into submission.

And let’s be real—the left-wing media isn’t exactly shy about using language that borders on abhorrent. They accuse Trump supporters of being “N***s” or “fascists,” suggesting that half the country is a threat simply for not aligning with their narrative. This kind of rhetoric is poisonous, and it’s exactly what they accuse Trump of doing. The irony is lost on them, of course. They claim to be fighting “authoritarianism” while calling for more censorship, more surveillance, and more punishment for dissent.

This is absolutely disgusting and horrible that we have stooped so low:

This level of fearmongering isn’t sustainable, and it’s not having the effect they think. Americans are tuning out, fed up with the manufactured crises and selective outrage. The polls don’t lie—people are ready for something different, and all the panic-stricken editorials in the world aren’t going to change that. Come November 5, Americans are going to show the left-wing media exactly what they think of this nonstop hysteria. And something tells us that the “meltdown” will be even more epic than the last.