Kamala To Hold Events With Springsteen


There’s nothing quite like watching the Democrats implode under the weight of their own missteps, especially as they frantically toss out baseless accusations against Donald Trump, hoping something, anything, will stick. But while they’re busy playing the blame game, it’s their own side doing the damage. The Trump campaign barely has to lift a finger as the Democrats drive themselves off a cliff, one blunder at a time.

Let’s start with Doug Emhoff, shall we? Kamala Harris’s husband, who’s been labeled by the left as the poster child for “non-toxic masculinity,” courtesy of none other than Jen Psaki, is now facing his own share of heat. Emhoff has been shrugging off allegations about his personal life, calling them a “distraction.”

And by “distraction,” he means something he doesn’t want to answer. For a guy supposedly above the fray, there’s a whole lot of eyebrow-raising around claims that he struck his girlfriend in public back in 2012. The Harris campaign has denied the report, of course, but we’ve all seen how these things go. If the shoe were on the other foot and this was Trump’s spouse, the headlines would be nonstop.

But Emhoff doesn’t seem too bothered, breezily dismissing the allegations in an interview, claiming they’re just an attempt to throw them off their game. Maybe, but it’s hard to stay focused when Harris herself had to take a whole day off campaigning just to deal with the fallout. With just 14 days until the election, the timing couldn’t be worse.

Then there’s Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, the man Harris chose as her running mate. How’s that working out for her? Not great. His latest bright idea? Attacking Elon Musk for supporting Trump. But in classic Walz fashion, the move backfired almost instantly when it came out that Kamala Harris was the recipient of a nice, hefty check herself. Oops. Every time Walz tries to go after Trump or his allies, it’s like watching a boomerang that swings right back to hit him square in the face. You almost feel bad for the guy. Almost.

Let’s not forget the other half of the Walz household. Mrs. Walz has made quite the impression during this campaign season. Known for her, shall we say, enthusiastic support of her husband, she’s been hitting the campaign trail in full force. But not everyone’s a fan of her, uh, approach. Rumor has it that she angrily canceled a campaign stop in Maine after hearing some less-than-flattering feedback about her speaking style. Instead of toning it down, she reportedly threw a fit and stormed off. Nothing says “team player” like a good old-fashioned tantrum, right?

Weird-like this gem…

or this one…

There are just too many to count:

Meanwhile, as the Democrats struggle to get their messaging straight, Kamala Harris is pulling out all the stops by bringing in big-name performers like Eminem and Bruce Springsteen in a last-ditch effort to draw crowds to her rallies. It’s almost as if the campaign is hoping that a little star power will distract voters from the glaring issues at hand.

And there it is, folks. The Democrats are throwing everything against the wall, from personal drama to awkward campaign rallies, hoping something sticks. But at this rate, it looks like the only thing they’re sticking is the landing—right on their own faces. While they shout from the rooftops about Trump, they can’t seem to keep their own house in order.