Kirby Responds To Congressional Report


Well, well, well—here we go again with the White House running damage control, this time over its disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. Texas Rep. Mike McCaul and Republican lawmakers dropped a report that blasts Biden’s chaotic retreat, but naturally, the Biden administration calls it “partisan” and claims it offers “little or nothing new.” Yeah, because what we all needed was a fresh reminder of how badly they botched the whole thing, right?

Let’s get this straight: McCaul’s report isn’t just a rehash. It’s pointing out some pretty serious failures, like the fact that there was zero preparation to get Americans and allies out while we still had boots on the ground. You’d think, after decades in Afghanistan, they’d have at least had an evacuation plan. But nope—nothing, nada, zilch.

Then there’s the small matter of leaving $7 billion worth of U.S. weapons behind. You know, just handing the Taliban a fully stocked military arsenal because who needs it, right? Oh, and they might’ve also scooped up $57 million in U.S. funds that were meant for the Afghan government. But hey, no big deal. Just another day in Biden’s foreign policy paradise.

Now, let’s talk about the real kicker—the Abbey Gate bombing. Thirteen U.S. service members lost their lives in a bombing that could’ve been avoided if someone in the administration had bothered to take the terror threat seriously. But sure, let’s keep pretending the withdrawal was a masterclass in strategic brilliance, as Kirby wants us to believe.

John Kirby, ever the loyal Biden mouthpiece, hit the press room to tell us all about how this withdrawal was really Trump’s fault. According to Kirby, Biden was just cleaning up a mess from the Doha Agreement, which forced his hand. And what was Biden’s “tough” choice? End the war and leave a total mess behind or blow up the deal and re-engage the Taliban. He chose the former and somehow thinks we’re all “safer for it.”

Right, because nothing screams “national security” like handing over a country to the same terrorists we’ve been fighting for 20 years. Oh, and apparently there was totally planning for the evacuations. You know, the kind of “planning” where thousands of desperate Afghans cling to the wheels of departing U.S. planes. That really worked out well.

And let’s not forget Kirby’s reassurance that the equipment left behind wasn’t exactly handed to the Taliban. No, it was left to the Afghan security forces—who promptly stopped fighting, and, surprise, surprise, the Taliban waltzed in and picked it all up.

But sure, Kirby says Biden didn’t deceive anyone and kept the American people informed every step of the way. Because that’s exactly what we all remember from the Afghanistan debacle—transparency. If this is the administration’s idea of “doing the best they could,” then we’re all in bigger trouble than we thought.