Kamala Comments On Economy On Tarmac


On Sunday, Kamala Harris proved again why her handlers seem to work overtime, keeping her away from live microphones and unscripted questions. Normally, when she’s jet-setting around the country, it’s a predictable scene: Harris sprints from the car to the plane, dodging reporters like she’s late for a flight, conveniently “too busy” to stop for questions. But on Sunday, for some reason, the press managed to slip in a few inquiries while she was en route to New York. Unsurprisingly, it was a mess.

In typical Harris fashion, she launched into a meandering, convoluted answer about her “vision for the economy.” It went something like this: “We can create opportunities for the American people in making an opportunity economy, which really, in short form, is about what we can do to invest in the aspirations, the ambitions, and the dreams of the American people while addressing the challenges that they face, whether it’s the high price of groceries or the difficulty in being able to acquire homeownership.”

Wait, what?

If you’re scratching your head trying to figure out what that means, you’re not alone. It’s your classic Kamala word salad—heavy on buzzwords, light on any actual meaning. Let’s break it down. First, she mentions the high price of groceries and the difficulty of homeownership, both of which are real problems. But what she conveniently forgets to mention is that she’s part of the reason those problems exist in the first place. Inflation, soaring costs of living, and skyrocketing interest rates? Yeah, those tie-breaking votes in the Senate that she’s cast helped get us here. Her fingerprints are all over the very issues she’s now pretending to care about.

Then there’s her favorite term: “investment.” In Kamala-speak, that’s code for “spending your taxpayer dollars” to bankroll whatever big government program she and her colleagues think will win them votes. She talks about “aspirations” and “dreams,” but what she really means is more government intervention and less individual freedom. The government’s job isn’t to “invest” in our aspirations; it’s to protect our rights and let us chase our dreams without interference. Instead, Harris has been part of an administration that’s smothered economic growth, increased regulation, and, oh yeah, left the border wide open.

Let’s not forget that Harris has been running away from her radical past comments for years now, trying to soften her image. But in moments like these, the mask slips, and her true big-government, progressive agenda shines through. She can’t help herself. And here’s the kicker: she’s still trying to define herself to the American people, even now. She needed Oprah to give her a boost, and even then, the event was a cringe-fest that left people more confused than convinced.

In the midst of all this, Harris had a full-blown “Biden moment,” rambling about wanting to debate the “former vice president.” Wait, what? Donald Trump is the former president, not the vice president. Mike Pence might want to take note because apparently, Kamala’s looking for a rematch.

It begs the question: Has she caught Joe Biden’s cognitive fog by osmosis? Or is she just that out of touch? If she thinks she came out on top in the last debate, why is she so eager for another one? Her internal polling must be sounding the alarm because it’s clear she’s grasping at straws.

Let’s be real here: if she’s so eager to debate, why didn’t she agree to the Fox News event that Trump already participated in? It’s laughable that she wants to play these games. Trump has already proven himself in two debates—Kamala’s the one with something to prove. But that’s precisely why her team keeps her on a short leash. When she veers off-script, it’s only a matter of time before things go off the rails.