Hornets Apologize After ‘Skit’ Goes Bad


Well, folks, if you were looking for a textbook example of how to fumble both on and off the court, look no further than the Charlotte Hornets. In a spectacle that started as heartwarming and ended in spectacular cringe, the organization managed to pull off a PR disaster so baffling it makes their recent season records look stellar by comparison. And that’s saying something.

Here’s the play-by-play: during Monday’s game against the Philadelphia 76ers, the Hornets orchestrated what was supposed to be a feel-good moment. They invited a young fan onto the court during a break, read a cute letter to “Santa Hugo” (their mascot decked out in a Santa suit), and handed the kid a PlayStation 5—a gift that’s still as coveted as it is hard to find. The kid was overjoyed, the crowd cheered, and it seemed like a slam dunk of goodwill. Until the cameras were off, that is.

Because what happened next was nothing short of Grinch-level skullduggery. After the kid was whisked off the court, the Hornets’ staff pulled the old switcheroo: they took back the PS5 and handed him a jersey instead. That’s right—they dangled the hottest gaming console of the season in front of a kid, then snatched it away faster than Hugo can dunk. Merry Christmas, kiddo. Here’s a jersey instead. Ouch.

When the story hit social media, the backlash was swift and merciless. Adam Turner, a witness and friend of the family, blasted the team for their Scrooge-like behavior, calling it a “cheap sports organization” and accusing them of crushing the kid’s spirit. And honestly, who could argue? Pretending to give a kid a dream gift only to pull it away feels less like a “skit” and more like a bad SNL parody.

To their credit—albeit too little, too late—the Hornets issued an apology that reads like a half-court shot at damage control. They admitted the “skit” missed the mark (understatement of the year) and promised to not only give the kid the PS5 but also provide a VIP experience at a future game. It’s a nice gesture, but let’s face it: the damage is done. The memory of that awkward moment isn’t going anywhere soon, especially not with social media receipts.

What’s baffling is how anyone in the Hornets organization thought this was a good idea in the first place. Even the kid’s uncle said that if they’d just given him the jersey upfront, he’d have been thrilled. No harm, no foul. But no—someone decided that teasing a PS5 only to snatch it away was the way to go. It’s as if the Hornets’ marketing team saw “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” and thought, “Let’s try that, but worse.”

And let’s not forget the larger lesson here: this is about more than just a botched PR stunt. It’s a microcosm of what’s wrong with some big organizations—an obsession with optics over authenticity. The Hornets wanted their viral moment, but in their rush to manufacture one, they forgot the golden rule of sports: don’t overpromise and underdeliver. Or, you know, don’t literally take candy from a baby.

Here’s hoping the Hornets truly make it right for this kid—and maybe take a timeout to rethink their game plan for next time. Because right now, the only thing they’re leading the league in is embarrassing headlines.