Former Secret Service Agent Spills The Beans On Concainegate


Conservative talk radio host and former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino gave listeners an inside look at how a dime bag of cocaine could be brought into the White House.

There have been two conflicting reports as to where the now infamous bag was found. Initially, it was reported that the substance was discovered where President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden live. However, a later report confirming cocaine was actually found reported the drugs were in a “cubby” where guests who tour the residence leave their cell phones and belongings.

“There’s absolutely ZERO chance anyone other than a family member brought that cocaine inside the White House complex,” Bongino said in response to the report. “No chance that would make it past the mag/security checkpoints. Family bypasses those.”

Bongino wasn’t the only former White House official that is questioning the current story line. Former Press Secretary Ari Fleischer, who worked during the Bush administration said that insiders know exactly who brought the coke in.

“You have got to be kidding me,” Fleischer tweeted. “Cocaine was found at the WH and authorities aren’t saying exactly where it was found. If it’s the Old Executive Office Building, it’s likely staff. If it’s the mansion, it’s likely Hunter. Reporters do your job.”

The media is already trying to run cover but it’s laughable.

The official narrative is that we’ll never know.

Well, don’t worry the House is about to open a new probe ensuring accountability.