California Prosecutor Charged With Multiple Felonies


Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon, a left-wing advocate known for his anti-police policies, is facing yet another scandal in his controversial tenure. This time, his right-hand woman, Diana Teran, has been hit with nearly 11 felony charges for misappropriating sensitive information about 11 sheriff’s deputies.

According to state prosecutors, Teran accessed a confidential database of the sheriff’s office and took the information with her when she left to work for Gascon three years later. She allegedly used this information to assist criminal defendants and undermine line prosecutors in the district attorney’s office.

One prosecutor, Tatiana Chahoian, believes that Teran used the information to “screw over” a deputy in a case they were working on together. Teran allegedly withheld crucial bodycam footage and other evidence from Chahoian and the rest of the DA’s office, causing a miscarriage of justice.

“She illegitimately accessed the officers’ files while with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department,” Chahoian told Fox News Digital. “Then she came to the district attorney’s office and used all that information against the officers.”

Ironically, Teran was in charge of the office’s ethics and integrity unit, which was tasked with prosecuting misconduct among police and other public officials. This raises serious questions about Gascon’s judgment and leadership, as he promoted Teran despite objections from experienced prosecutors.

The charges against Teran also highlight Gascon’s controversial “Brady policy,” in which prosecutors are required to disclose any potentially exculpatory evidence to the defense, including officer misconduct. Gascon stands by this policy, but critics argue that it is being used to target and undermine law enforcement.

This is not the first scandal to rock Gascon’s administration. One of his top aides, Joseph Iniguez, was arrested in 2021 for public intoxication and allegedly threatened the officer who arrested him. The county has also faced millions of dollars in civil lawsuits due to Gascon’s policies, including the early release of dangerous criminals.

The district attorney’s union, the Association of Deputy District Attorneys, has been openly critical of Gascon and is now questioning what he knew about Teran’s actions and when he knew it. It is clear that Gascon’s leadership has been a disaster for the county and its citizens.

“It’s just really something that you wouldn’t expect in law enforcement today,” Teran’s attorney, James Spertus, said of the charges against his client. But it is certainly what we have come to expect from Gascon and his administration. Gascon has repeatedly shown that he is not fit to lead, and it is time for the people of Los Angeles County to hold him accountable.