Biden Comments On Vance Statement


Joe Biden was in full meltdown mode on Thursday, going off the rails on the issue of guns and launching into another one of his infamous tirades. His target this time? Senator J.D. Vance, whom Biden accused of downplaying gun violence. Biden falsely claimed that Vance said shootings were just “facts of life.” But in true Biden fashion, he was completely misleading because that’s not at all what Vance said.

What Vance actually said was, “I don’t like that this is a fact of life. But if you are a psycho and you want to make headlines, you realize that our schools are soft targets. And we have got to bolster security at our schools.” Translation: Vance was talking about the need to protect schools and address the reality that psychos target them because they’re easy marks. But Biden, in his infinite wisdom, twisted this into a cheap attack, turning a call for security into something it wasn’t.

And to top it off, Biden seemed to confuse J.D. Vance with Cyrus Vance, who was Secretary of State back in the 1970s—around the time Biden was in the Senate. Apparently, Biden was having a flashback moment to his glory days, thinking of the wrong Vance altogether. Who knows what decade Biden thinks he’s in at this point, but it’s clearly not 2024.

Of course, this wasn’t the only thing that sent Biden into a tailspin that day. He slurred through another classic, claiming he taught Constitutional Law for years, though there’s little evidence of that beyond a few guest lectures. He then tried to argue that the Second Amendment isn’t absolute, once again rolling out his favorite lie that “you couldn’t own a cannon” when the Constitution was written.

For someone who claims to have taught Constitutional Law, Biden sure doesn’t seem to understand it. Yes, Joe, you could own a cannon back then—and guess what? You still can today. This is a point that’s been corrected time and time again, but somehow, Biden just can’t stop himself from repeating it.

Then came the cherry on top of this trainwreck—Biden’s butchering of Thomas Jefferson’s famous quote: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” This line, a reflection on the price of freedom and the sacrifices it may require, was reduced to a punchline by Biden, who mocked it in front of an equally clueless audience.

He blustered, “The liberty of Americans is watered with the blood of patriots,” then dismissively declared, “Like hell!” To laughter from the crowd, Biden doubled down, yelling, “No, I’m serious! Think about it. It was never absolute — never, never, never!”

The sad reality is that Biden seems to think it’ll somehow become true if he screams something loud enough. But no amount of yelling changes the fact that he’s still spinning the same old lies. Instead of respecting the Constitution and the rights it protects, Biden continues to mock, twist, and ignore the facts, all while pushing his agenda to expand the reach of federal agencies like the ATF.

At this point, his bluster only further confirms how far gone he is. His brain might be checked out, but the lies are alive and well.