Responses Come In From Biden Decision


We recently reported that Biden is giving Hillary Clinton a larger role.

During a notable fundraising event, Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee and former Secretary of State, hosted a gathering at her Washington home, Whitehaven, for the Women’s Leadership Forum. This event, held on the final Monday of November, successfully raised nearly $1 million towards President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign. Clinton’s active involvement in this event underscores her emerging role as a significant and influential supporter in Biden’s re-election bid.

These efforts are part of a concerted effort by high-profile Democrats to rally support and ensure a strong showing in the upcoming election.

As the campaign progresses, Hillary Clinton is expected to play a pivotal role in energizing Democratic voters.

Well, even Democrats are laughing.

Ex-MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan joked, “Ah yes, when you’re a Democrat struggling to beat Donald Trump, you call for help from… *checks notes*… the last Democrat to lose to Donald Trump.”

NBC News pointed out why Clinton is important:

Clinton is popular with women and key parts of the Democratic base and remains a fundraising draw who can help ensure Biden has the money to get his message out. There is still a two-for-the-price-of-one theme when it comes to her family: Husband Bill Clinton made a cameo at the fundraising event at their Washington home.


The comments from those on the left were funny as well.

One user wrote, “It’s probably best if she doesn’t help.”

Another presumed leftist wrote: “Lmao. They hate us, and they are hell bent on losing.”