CNN Ratings Report Comes In


CNN once considered the titan of cable news, has found itself trailing behind not only its traditional competitors but also lesser-known networks. According to recent Nielsen ratings, the network’s prime-time viewership was surpassed by the History Channel and INSP, a network primarily known for Western TV shows and films.

It seems that “the most trusted name in news” is not so trusted anymore as CNN continues to struggle with declining ratings. Last week, the network averaged a measly 538,000 nightly viewers in the prime time slot (8 p.m. to 11 p.m.), placing it behind not only Fox News and MSNBC but also Hallmark and INSP – an obscure cable network founded by televangelists Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker.

It appears that CNN’s coverage of significant political events like the Iowa caucuses did not help boost their ratings, as they still fell behind networks like the History Channel, which mainly focuses on educational programming. It’s a sad day when a network known for airing Western movies and shows beats out a major news network.

But the decline of CNN’s ratings is not surprising, given the recent leadership changes and its far left agenda. The appointment of Mark Thompson, former CEO of the New York Times and BBC, as CNN’s new leader has not brought about the desired effect. Thompson’s attempts to modernize the network and explore new revenue streams, possibly through subscription models, have not been successful in boosting viewership.

To add insult to injury, CNN was also beaten in the ratings by Fox News’ show “The Five,” which drew in an average of 3.22 million viewers at 5 PM. In comparison, CNN’s ratings were significantly lower. Even in prime time, Fox News’ viewership was at 2.637 million, while CNN’s was a mere 559,000.

CNN’s struggles can also be attributed to its failure to adapt to changing media consumption habits, especially among younger demographics. Despite being one of the world’s most visited news websites, the network has been “slow to respond to the challenge” of the decline in traditional TV viewership, as stated by Thompson himself.

But let’s not forget that CNN’s new CEO isn’t the only one trying to steer the network in a new direction. Alex MacCallum, the new Executive Vice President of Digital Products and Services, is also on board to help with the development of digital products and subscription services. However, it remains to be seen if these changes will have any significant impact on CNN’s ratings.

While Thompson has acknowledged the need for CNN to evolve in its digital strategy, he also noted a significant lack of innovation and risk-taking within the network. It seems that the “CNN of today” is no longer the avant-garde news source it once was, but rather, a “tenured incumbent” struggling to keep up with its competitors.

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