Biden Surveys Damage In NC


Here we go again, folks. Another devastating natural disaster and yet another display of ineptitude from the man supposedly in charge. At this point, the question practically asks itself: do we even have a president?

After Hurricane Helene tore through the South, leaving destruction and a rising death toll in its wake, Joe Biden stumbled onto the scene with one of the most tone-deaf responses we’ve ever heard. The death toll from Helene has now surpassed 200, with hundreds still missing, yet Biden’s response after surveying the damage was to say the people in the storm zone are “very happy” and getting everything they need.

Very happy? Really, Joe? That’s not how the abandoned and grieving families would describe themselves. With entire communities cut off, no power, and some places still underwater, “happy” is the last word anyone would use. But of course, Biden never seems to know where he is or what’s going on, so maybe we shouldn’t be surprised. After all, this is the same guy who, when pressed further, said, “I didn’t know which storm you’re talking about.” You can’t make this stuff up.

While people in the South are trying to salvage what’s left of their homes, Biden’s big move was to make a few phone calls. To whom, exactly? No one knows. Was it FEMA? Doubtful since the Federal Emergency Management Agency has already admitted they don’t even have the funds to make it through hurricane season. Why? Because they decided to divert millions in disaster relief to—you guessed it—help illegal immigrants. FEMA doesn’t have enough for American citizens who just lost everything, but we’ve got plenty to throw at the border crisis. Sounds about right in Biden’s America.

And don’t worry, Kamala’s here too, offering her brilliant solution: a grand total of $750 for those who’ve lost homes, livelihoods, and, in some cases, family members. $750! That won’t even cover a few nights at a hotel, let alone rebuild someone’s life. It’s insulting. These are the people who claim to be champions of the working class, yet when it’s time to show up for actual Americans, they throw pennies at them and call it a day.

Meanwhile, communities across Florida and the Southeast are still reeling from Helene’s wrath. This storm, which made landfall as a powerful Category 4, has become one of the deadliest hurricanes to hit the U.S. this century. Entire towns are still cut off, with rescuers desperately searching for survivors, and hundreds of thousands remain without power more than a week later. Spotty service has made communication a nightmare, and many people are still in the dark—both literally and figuratively—about what kind of help is coming, if any.

While brave first responders and ordinary citizens are digging survivors out of the rubble, we’ve got a president who’s confused about which storm we’re talking about and a vice president who thinks $750 will solve the problem. This is leadership? If you want to call it that. More like a disgrace. But hey, as long as Biden’s making phone calls and Kamala’s tossing out insultingly low relief checks, we should all just be “very happy,” right? Unbelievable.