Tim Walz Sits Down With Gavin Newsom


Gavin Newsom, playing political philosopher, is about as convincing as Kamala Harris giving a masterclass on public speaking. But here we are, with California’s governor suddenly deciding that maybe—just maybe—the MAGA movement isn’t just about “racism and misogyny.” Shocking, right? Apparently, he has discovered that working-class Americans might actually have legitimate grievances. Someone alert the media.

During an episode of This Is Gavin Newsom—because of course, he has a podcast—he and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz got into a little back-and-forth over what really motivates MAGA voters. Walz, in typical Democrat fashion, assumed the movement was just driven by bigotry and wondered aloud how to shove these people “back under a rock.” Very unifying message there, Tim. He also boasted, “I could kick most of their ass,” which, let’s be honest, is the kind of tough-guy talk you expect from a Twitter keyboard warrior, not an elected official.

Newsom, to his credit, didn’t fully take the bait. He argued that it’s important to understand MAGA voters’ motivations, and then—brace yourselves—he actually praised Steve Bannon. Yes, that Steve Bannon. Newsom noted that Bannon talks about working folks and the hollowing out of America’s industrial base—something Democrats used to care about before they became the party of Silicon Valley billionaires, climate hysteria, and woke social engineering.

Predictably, Walz wasn’t having it. He dismissed Bannon outright because of his views on the 2020 election as if that means his economic critiques should be ignored entirely. But Newsom doubled down, saying that Bannon sounds a lot like what Bernie Sanders used to say—back when Sanders actually had a coherent message before he sold out to the Democratic establishment. Newsom even acknowledged that his party is losing men—across all racial backgrounds—because of how Democrats treat them. Imagine that.

It’s almost funny watching Newsom try to play the “reasonable” guy here. This is the same governor who presides over a state hemorrhaging residents thanks to his disastrous policies. A state where crime is out of control, homelessness is skyrocketing, and businesses are fleeing faster than he can ban gas-powered cars. But now, he wants to lecture his fellow Democrats on how to reconnect with voters?

And speaking of political ambition, let’s not pretend Newsom’s sudden interest in engaging with conservatives isn’t about 2028. He’s term-limited in California, and he’s clearly setting himself up as the guy who can “reach across the aisle” while still staying loyal to the Democratic cause. His first three podcast guests? All MAGA figures: Bannon, Charlie Kirk, and Michael Savage. That’s not an accident—that’s a strategic move. And it’s driving progressives crazy.

Even Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear had to chime in, furious that Newsom dared to give Bannon a platform. Because in today’s Democratic Party, the idea of actually talking to political opponents instead of just demonizing them is practically heresy.

Then there’s Kamala Harris, lurking in the background, trying to stay politically relevant. She’s rumored to be eyeing Newsom’s seat in 2026, which makes this whole dance even funnier. She, too, has tried to tone down the whole “deplorables” routine after seeing how it backfired on Hillary Clinton. When asked if she thought Trump supporters were stupid, she gave a rare moment of restraint: “Oh, God, I would never say that about the American people.” Right. Because saying it out loud is the problem—not the way Democrats have treated half the country for years.

Newsom isn’t some great political thinker who suddenly realized MAGA voters exist for reasons beyond racism. He’s a politician setting up his next move. And Democrats stuck between their radical base and the reality of needing to win elections, don’t quite know what to do about it.