Former Congressman Comments On Trump’s Social Media Post About Autopen


Adam Kinzinger just won’t let it go. The former congressman—now professional crybaby—climbed into his car again to film yet another shaky, self-important rant about President Trump. This time, he was in full meltdown mode over Trump declaring that any pardons Biden may have issued to members of the January 6th Committee are void, given that they were allegedly signed with an autopen. Naturally, this sent Kinzinger into a tailspin because what else does he have to talk about?

In a video posted to X, Kinzinger breathlessly accused Trump of being “obsessed” with the J6 Committee, claiming that the former president cares more about him and Liz Cheney than his golf score. Sure, Adam. Trump’s the obsessed one, not the guy making another emotional plea from the front seat of his car, filming himself like a teenager who just got grounded.

And let’s talk about that video for a second. First of all, how many times can one person say “like” in under a minute? Kinzinger makes AOC sound like Shakespeare. Second, there’s nothing more unintentionally hilarious than a guy trying to act tough from the safety of his sedan. He called Trump a “weak, whiny, tiny man,” all while doing his best impression of a middle schooler throwing a tantrum because someone took his lunch money. Adam, go ahead and crack open a dictionary and look up the word projection.

Then, of course, because no anti-Trump rant is complete without running to CNN for validation, Kinzinger took his tough guy routine straight to Jake Tapper. Once again, he doubled down, demanding that Trump “bring it on” and “stop talking about it” if he’s so serious about investigating the committee. This is coming from the same guy who openly wept in front of Congress while Capitol Police officers told their exaggerated tales of January 6th. Nothing says bravery like breaking down in tears during a staged hearing and then pretending to be a tough guy on CNN.

Let’s not forget that Kinzinger has been milking this J6 act for all it’s worth. He turned his short-lived political career into a cushy CNN contributor gig, where he gets to rant about Trump on a network that nobody watches. He even took it a step further, selling autographed copies of the January 6th Committee’s final report for $100 a pop. Imagine being so desperate for relevance that you have to sign government documents and sell them like they’re collector’s items. What’s next? Limited-edition Kinzinger Kleenex for all those post-rant sniffles?

What a hypocrite:

Meanwhile, Trump isn’t backing down. In an interview with Meet the Press, he made it clear that the J6 Committee members “committed a major crime” by pushing a false narrative and covering up evidence. “Honestly, they should go to jail,” he said. Kinzinger can puff up his chest all he wants, but at the end of the day, the American people are tired of the January 6th theatrics.

At this point, Kinzinger is just another washed-up former politician yelling into the void, hoping someone will still care. But instead of standing behind a podium or even a respectable news desk, he’s filming himself from the front seat of his car, delivering unhinged monologues like some second-rate TikTok influencer. Maybe instead of worrying about Trump, he should worry about why his biggest audience is a handful of Twitter doom-scrollers who only tune in to laugh.