Lawmaker Removed From Party After Outburst


Vice President Kamala Harris was not pleased after what took place in her DC residence during the Christmas season.

For a moment, Harris was shouted down by Democratic Delaware state lawmaker Rep. Madinah Wilson-Anton (D), who demanded a ceasefire in Israel.

“Madam Vice President, I am a rep from Delaware. Did you know in Bethlehem they are not celebrating Christmas? Did you know in Bethlehem, baby Jesus is under rubble? Why won’t you call for a cease-fire?” Wilson-Anton shouted at Harris.

“I appreciate you wanting to be heard, but right now I’m speaking,” Harris shot back as the lawmaker was removed from the party.

Wilson-Anton has been a Delaware lawmaker since 2021 and previously worked at the University of Delaware’s Biden Institute and think tank named after him.

“Christmas is canceled in Bethlehem,” Wilson-Anton wrote on X after interrupting the vice president.

From the New York Post:

She included a video of the incident in her tweet, which also tagged several pro-Palestinian activist groups and incorporated the hashtags “FreePalestine,” “StopTheGenocide,” “CeasefireNOW,” “GazaGenocide” and “StopArmingIsrael.”

Wilson-Anton’s plea came days after a group of more than 40 White House interns penned an anonymous letter demanding that Biden, 81, and Harris call for an “immediate cease-fire” in Gaza, accusing the president and veep of having “ignored” the “pleas of the American people.”


It’s somewhat amusing to see those on the left who like to attack people for saying Merry Christmas now all of a sudden concerned about Jesus and Bethlehem.

For years, we’ve been lectured about being politically correct about saying Happy Holidays, and now the left is doing cartwheels over the celebration of Christ in Bethlehem.

Far left-wing groups are continuing to attack the Biden administration.