What Happened In Wisconsin Should Be A Huge Warning For The GOP


The Republican Party of Wisconsin was dealt a major blow when Janet Protasiewicz took the Wisconsin Supreme Court seat with an 11 percent margin in the election this past Tuesday. This liberal judge has promised to reverse state abortion laws and the GOPfriendly legislative maps. This commanding victory is a glaring example of how Roe v. Wades overturning has transformed the political atmosphere of America.

The conservative candidate, Justice Daniel Kelly, was backed by antiabortion groups but had difficulty rallying Republican donors behind him. This struggle to gain monetary support for Kellys campaign is indicative of the overall struggles of the Republican Party in this election.

The GOP has moved away from their traditional focus on fiscal responsibility and has instead prioritized rising crime. This strategy has failed to gain traction with voters, as evidenced by the blowout victory of the liberal candidate.

The Republican Party must move away from their traditional strategies and take a more proactive approach to their campaigns. This means moving away from relying on divisive social issues and instead focusing on issues that will benefit the entire nation.

The GOP should focus on creating policies that focus on economic growth, job creation, and healthcare reform. These policies will appeal to a wide range of voters and will create a more unified front for the party.

The Republican Party must also focus on campaigning on a platform of unity and harmony. This includes denouncing the 2020 election deniers who backed the conservative candidate in the Wisconsin Supreme Court race and instead focusing on the issues that unite the nation.

In the future, the GOP could take a more proactive approach to campaigning and move away from relying on divisive social issues. The Republican Party must focus on creating policies that benefit the entire country and campaign on a platform of unity and harmony. 
